
Social Restaurant Podcast #036 — Red Mango’s Dan Kim on Social Media

Nate Riggs Social Restaurant Podcast

Let’s fact it, you just don’t have time or the personality to “do” social media. You’ve got to farm it out, right?


That was a TEST. Truth is, in a people business like running a restaurant, social media provides the best way, outside of how you personally treat guests in your venue, to speak with your authentic voice to represent your brand.

In this week’s episode of the Social Restaurant Podcast, Nate talks to Dan Kim, Chief Concept Officer of the frozen yogurt chain Red Mango, about his career and how to help potential brand advocates find and amplify your restaurant.

They also discuss how to integrate your brand’s social strategy into your personal social accounts.

About the author

Brandon Hull

Brandon is the original founder of He has helped thousands of restaurants implement innovative marketing strategies, campaigns, and tactics by incorporating new technology, in order to attract loyal guests.