
Customer Lifetime Value Calculator

  • We've created this calculator for you to do a back-of-the-napkin calculation of the lifetime value of a customer as outlined in this article.

  • Average customer spend is not your average ticket size, this is your spend per person.
  • Be very conservative here, though some have said a loyal customer will make 1.7 visits per month (20.4 per year).
  • You can enter a whole number, such as 1.0, or a decimal, such as 1.5.
  • We calculate based on a 7-year cycle.
  • Customer Profit Contribution

    Quick math on what that customer represents in profits to over the same period.
  • Please enter this as a decimal. 15% = 0.15.
  • Benchmarking

    If you complete the remainder of this form, providing this information allows us to produce benchmark reports for future insights. All results will be kept 100% confidential, including your name, restaurant name, and email address.
  • Want Your Results Sent to You via Email?

    This also allows us to capture your information for benchmarking. All results will be kept 100% confidential, including your name, restaurant name, and email address.