This Week In

This Week in Restaurant Technologies #01

This Week in Restaurant Technologies, with Nate Riggs and Brandon Hull

Nate and I kick off our first episode of This Week in Restaurant Tech yesterday. Consider this a rough draft. A very rough draft.

Ah….that moment when you work from home and your son walks in the room, despite your forewarning, at an unfortunate point in time. See if you can spot when that happens.

Despite that…Nate and I will use this video approach for kicking around fresh news in the world of restaurant technologies related to marketing and operations. But as our bonus gift to you, you’ll ALSO receive TWO ShamWows! I’m kidding. But you WILL enjoy the occasional non-polished moment, such as the aforementioned.

This week, one topic we discuss is Google’s announcement that it will begin showing menus in search results — as in, right on the search results pages themselves, without having to navigate to another website.

We also talked about the new wave of data collection and privacy ( that link is to the weekly restaurant marketing news edition we mentioned this in; here’s the actual article) that’s hitting the restaurant industry…just like every other industry.

Give it a watch and feel free to share your thoughts on the topics at-hand in the comments section here or over at Nate’s blog; either place is fine. Did I mention it’s a rough draft? I did? It bears repeating.

Nate and I have a good working chemistry, so I imagine you’ll see these get more comfortable as time goes on.

About the author

Brandon Hull

Brandon is the original founder of He has helped thousands of restaurants implement innovative marketing strategies, campaigns, and tactics by incorporating new technology, in order to attract loyal guests.