
Social Restaurant Podcast #029

Nate Riggs Social Restaurant Podcast

Have you heard of “content marketing”?

Of course you have! But just in case, my definition of content marketing is the marketing strategy of using valuable, informative, helpful, or entertaining content (i.e., articles, answers to questions, video, audio, etc.) in order to attract and engage your target audience, to influence their selection of you for their business — as opposed to blasting product, price, and promotions at your target audience.

In this episode of Nate’s Social Restaurant Podcast, he interviews Matt DeBusk, Vice President of Brand Development at Great Wraps, a 70+ location restaurant chain based in Atlanta. You can follow the brand on Twitter here.

What makes this episode interesting is the Great Wraps transition to more of a fast casual dining experience and Matt’s comments about that transition. It’s NOT purely a “content marketing” conversation.

Give it a listen:

About the author

Brandon Hull

Brandon is the original founder of He has helped thousands of restaurants implement innovative marketing strategies, campaigns, and tactics by incorporating new technology, in order to attract loyal guests.