If you follow any major influencers or celebrities on social media, you might have noticed a new social platform called Vero. That’s right, alongside Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and a handful of...
More Digital Marketing Ideas for Restaurants
How Your Restaurant Can Succeed with Online Marketing
Every week I stumble upon or I’m referred to an independent restaurant who is winning with their online marketing efforts. At the same time, not a week goes by where I’m underwhelmed, too. You can define success in a...
5 Things to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Restaurant POS
By Malik Kane As a restaurant operator, you know how hard it is to attract guests. Getting them coming back is doubly hard, especially when your restaurant’s competition is not just the establishment across the street, but all...
How to Boost Restaurant Conversions with Effective Web Design
By Jennifer Hahn Masterson, Contributor You invested a lot into your restaurant’s website. You keep your site updated and the content regularly refreshed, but the number of people enjoying your delicious meals only slightly...
Survey: Is Your Restaurant On-Demand Technology Ready?
Sponsored by Nowait When it comes to new technologies for our industry, we think they can be easily separated into two distinct categories — administrative or customer facing. Inventory control and scheduling are...