There are several simple reasons why many restaurants don’t get digital marketing to promote their restaurant. But today let’s focus on one: The in-store experience is disconnected from the digital experience. And...
More Digital Marketing Ideas for Restaurants
Here’s Why the Recent GMO News is Big for Restaurants
Tap, tap, tap. Hey there. You ready to get the straight scoop when it comes to Millennials? Here’s why the recent GMO news and other announcements from is a big deal: We’ve got money, and we like to spend it! And by “we” I...
Want a Free Restaurant Digital Marketing Assessment?
When it comes to restaurant digital marketing, there’s a lot to fret over: Your website and how it represents your brand and converts visitors. Your reviews on Yelp and elsewhere. Your social media presence. Your email...
Restaurant Loyalty Programs: There is No Better Time Than Now
The folks at loyalty marketing leader BigDoor have launched a free eBook that is worth your attention. Titled “7 Myths About Customer Loyalty,” the eBook shares several misguided ideas that have existed in the...
Should the City You’re in Drive Your Restaurant Marketing?
You’re opening a restaurant in Washington, D.C. Would your restaurant marketing approach be different than if you opened the same concept in New York City? Or Boston? Or Miami? Or Dallas? We’ve published episode #14...
The 4 Categories of Marketers When it Comes to Data
A hat tip to (and here they are on Twitter) for pointing us to a Forbes study that announces: More than 7 in 10 executives believe that their reliance on data analytics for decision-making will either increase...