Email Marketing

Good & Bad Examples of Restaurant Email Marketing

Beginners Guide Email Marketing

Happy holidays, NextRestaurants readers!

Wanted to let you know that we’ve completely updated our first article in our series that comprises The Beginner’s Guide to Restaurant Email Marketing.

Three key tips have expanded to 10. General advice for those wanting to rethink they’re approach has expanded to a litany of specific principles to follow with examples — both good and bad — from real-world emails sent recently big restaurants.

I subscribe to approximately 150 restaurants’ emails in order to analyze, diagnose, and share best practices with you. So check out that updated article and the companion pieces we’ve published that are great follow-up posts.

And stay tuned…we’ve got an unfortunate story to share about one restaurant chain’s poor training and customer experience spawned from its email offers.

Check it out now:
The Beginner’s Guide to Restaurant Email Marketing

About the author

Brandon Hull

Brandon is the original founder of He has helped thousands of restaurants implement innovative marketing strategies, campaigns, and tactics by incorporating new technology, in order to attract loyal guests.